Thursday, November 30, 2006

Things That Are Overrated

I listen to a lot of talk radio, watch a lot of SportsCenter, and read a lot of sports sections. I can't for the life of me, understand some people in the sports world that reap praise. Here is my list of overrated players, coaches, and situations.

1) Ben Wallace - Ridiculous. 4 year, $52 million. Stats: 5.6 PPG 9.4 RPG 42 FG% 45 FT%.......I rest my case. He never has been good...EVER. He was simply on a good team with Detroit. He fit that system well because he was on the court with 4 scorers. I just don't see the appeal, nor will I ever.

2) Larry Brown - Is this guy really such a good coach that he deserved the top story on SportsCenter every night when he left Detroit to go to the Knicks? No. He's not a good coach. Not only that, he's an NBA coach. NBA coaches probably have the least impact on a game in professional sports.

3) Phil Jackson - Same thing. Give me a team with Michael Jordan, and I'll show you 6 titles. Give me a duo of Shaq and Kobe, and I'll get you 3 more titles. That's a total of 9 championships. Phil Jackson's part in all of them you ask? Nada. If you watch closely, you can see him sitting down the entire game thinking he actually made up a brilliant scheme that allows Michael Jordan to score 30+ a night. Again, NBA coaches have little effect on the outcome of a game.

4) Astros signing Carlos Lee for $100 million - Can't say I'm too thrilled about this one. We basically signed a fat outfielder on the downslope of his career. Yeah, he puts up decent numbers, but he's not a $100 million savior. I can't remember ever watching a game and thinking to myself, "Man, he'd be pretty sweet to have." Just to prove how overrated this signing is, let me give you a few names of some players who are making less money than Carlos Lee: Lance Berkman, Roy Oswalt, Albert Pujols, Travis Hafner, Ryan Howard...and so on. Nice job 'Stros. Now let's try and re-sign Ensberg and Lidge to long term deals. Oh yeah, and don't forget that our idiot of a GM tried to trade Oswalt for Tejada.

5) Texans drafting Mario Williams with #1 overall - Never did, never have, and never will comprehend this draft pick. All I remember hearing for 4 months on talk radio was Vince Young vs. Reggie Bush. Oh no, my friend. Mario Williams, DE, NC State. GO TEXANS!

6) Lefty on lefty match ups - It kils me everytime a coach puts in an inferior pitcher just because he's left handed. These guys are professional hitters. It does not matter. Are you telling me you'd put in Trevor Miller over Dan Wheeler in a crucial situation just because he's left handed?

That's all I can think of for now. If I think of more overrated things, I'll add them to the list.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Aerosmith Concert

I just got back from San Antonio for the weekend. A couple of friends and I went up there for the Aerosmith/Motley Crue concert. I seriously couldn't believe how great of a show Aerosmtih put on. They've always been one of my favorite bands, but it's hard to hear a good "live band." Aerosmith is exactly that. They are everything that's right with music. You can tell that they are up on stage, playing their hearts out; not because they have to, but because they want to. They are there to rock. Steven Tyler and Joe Perry are exactly what you'd expect as performers. From Steven Tyler spinning around with the microphone stand with his drapes hanging from them. To Joe Perry slamming his shirt on his guitar and actually making it play and then laying on the drum set while the drummer hits his guitar with his drumsticks and still keeps playing. Unbelievable. I forgot some songs they played, but I do remember Cryin', Walk This Way, Sweet Emotion, Rag Doll, Eat The Rich, Dream On, and What It Takes were all performed.

Motley Crue was decent. They, of course, opened for Aerosmith who were obviously the headliners. They started out with Dr. Feelgood, which is a classic. But they are a band way past their prime and have kind of lost touch. I guess they've just done way too many messed up things in the past to be able to be coherrent today. I consider myself to be a pretty solid Motley Crue fan, but even I didn't recognize about half the songs.

Concerts have always been a great experience for me. It's always fun to go to an environment and hang out with people you'd probably never engage a conversation with. But there's a mutual respect just because everyone there is there for one jam. Concerts are a place where you can air guitar and air drum and it's accepted and encouraged. There are some bands I wish I would have seen before they split up like Rage Against the Machine, and Stone Temple Pilots. But seeing the likes of Everclear, Deftones, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Motley Crue, Green Day, Blink 182, Aerosmtih, and Metallica...I'm very satisfied.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Two of my best friends, Matt and Courtney Bryan, have inspired me to update my blog. By the way, congratulations to you guys on the baby. I'll keep you both in my prayers. That being said,"What's new in my life," one might ask. Well I started working for my dad full-time. I am really enjoying it and just beginning to scratch the surface on what there is to learn. I moved into a house with one of my friends. It is a 2-story with a pool and a hot tub. OK, so it's his parents house, but they moved to Toronto for 2 years and we are basically living here for free. No bills, no rent, no electric, and we have a maid service. Life can get rough. Plus the neighbors cook for us like 3 times a week. Sucks huh?

Well tonight is another fantastic episode of The Office. By far the funniest show on television. It is quickly climbing up to be my favorite show. Although The Simpsons is pretty tough to beat.

Well I guess that's all I have for now. I am getting ready for this weekend. Me and one of my good buddies, Ben Brockman, are going up to Bastrop to play some golf with our dads. It's good to be back. Welp...see ya later!