Thursday, November 09, 2006


Two of my best friends, Matt and Courtney Bryan, have inspired me to update my blog. By the way, congratulations to you guys on the baby. I'll keep you both in my prayers. That being said,"What's new in my life," one might ask. Well I started working for my dad full-time. I am really enjoying it and just beginning to scratch the surface on what there is to learn. I moved into a house with one of my friends. It is a 2-story with a pool and a hot tub. OK, so it's his parents house, but they moved to Toronto for 2 years and we are basically living here for free. No bills, no rent, no electric, and we have a maid service. Life can get rough. Plus the neighbors cook for us like 3 times a week. Sucks huh?

Well tonight is another fantastic episode of The Office. By far the funniest show on television. It is quickly climbing up to be my favorite show. Although The Simpsons is pretty tough to beat.

Well I guess that's all I have for now. I am getting ready for this weekend. Me and one of my good buddies, Ben Brockman, are going up to Bastrop to play some golf with our dads. It's good to be back. Welp...see ya later!


Blogger Aaron said...

Well well well. Agree that The Office is the funniest show on tv. Thats pretty much my life at my job. But its not that funny. Just boring. Good to hear youre doing well. Yeah your living situation really sucks too. Ok. Bye.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

Well hello there. Good to have you back, kept up the posting. You should be on pace to be a millionare at 30, never leave that living situation!! Miss ya, can't wait to see you over Thanksgiving.

7:29 PM  

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