Friday, December 23, 2005

"Blank-er Than Balls"

It's one of the most frequently used phrases in the male language.
"It's colder than balls."
"She's hotter than balls."
"This is harder than balls."

So what does it mean? Are balls ever really that cold? Are balls on the same attraction level as a good-looking girl? Have I ever taken a test that was so hard, it automatically made me think of my balls? Doubtful. But I say it on a daily basis.

I have no idea what its intended use is, but I want to applaud the guy who invented the "blank-er than balls" phrase. Without him, my vocubulary would be inept and boring. It's a staple in every male's dictionary. So, today I salute you, inventor of the phrase:"blank-er than balls." You have contributed to the male language a large portion of everyday conversation. Without you, there would be no means of comparison between two things. That being said: "This phrase is cooler than balls."


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